Dekut - Check & Get Master by its Name from Visio Drawing & Gluing Group Shapes We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Diagram for .NET 4.2.0. Based on this new build, developers can now glue group shapes inside a container. Also, this release allows them to get and check for the presence of a master by name. Developers can now retrieve a master object using its name. The MasterCollection.GetMasterByName method searches all masters in the masters collection’s containing master. Previously, it was difficult to find the exact master ID, and then get the master. The new release of the Aspose.Diagram API has now made it very easy: just pass the exact master name Read More. Developers can use either the master ID or name methods give developers that option. In the previous version, we announced support for gluing shapes together by connection points. It works perfectly with ungroup shapes. However, there are many points in group shapes where it was not supported quite so well. We have now added group shape support. Tue, 15 Jul 2014 00:15:12 UTC en