Dekut - Create, Edit & Convert Word Documents without using Microsoft Word using C++ Aspose team is pleased to announce the first public release of Aspose.Words for C++. Aspose team work hard to make developers’ lives easier by providing easy-to-use, yet powerful APIs for managing documents of different formats. Aspose.Words for C++ is one such project; that allows the developers to dynamically create, manipulate and convert Word documents without requiring Office Automation or Microsoft Word application. Aspose.Words for C++ is a native C++ library which is now available for public use. Developers can either download latest version of the API or reference Aspose.Words for C++ Read More in a Visual Studio project from NuGet. This initial launch includes a number of features supported by Aspose.Words for .NET. In a nutshell, the first version of API supports some important features, such as Create document from scratch and save it in DOC format, Programming with Document Object Model, Read, write and manipulate existing DOC documents, add Watermark to Documents, Join or Append MSWord Documents, Protect & Un-protect documents with single line of code and many more. Fri, 17 Aug 2018 06:08:01 UTC en