Vegetables Names with Meaning and Picture | Vegetable Vocabulary

vegetables names; সবজির নাম; vegetables; all vegetables names; vegetables name list; اسم الخضروات; Tərəvəz adı; Ime povrća; Име на зеленчуци; 蔬菜名称; Ime povrća; Název zeleniny; Köögiviljade nimed; Mga Pangalan ng Gulay; Noms de légumes; ბოსტნეული სახელები; Gemüse Namen; Ονόματα λαχανικών; શાકભાજી નામો; שמות הירקות; सब्जी नाम; Nama Sayur; Ainmneacha Glasraí; 野菜の名前; Sayuran Sayuran; 야채 이름; Dārzeņu vārdi; Daržovių pavadinimai; Имиња од зеленчук; Nama Sayuran; പച്ചക്കറി പേരുകൾ; Хүнсний ногооны нэр; सब्जी नामहरू; نام سبزیجات; Nazwy warzyw; Nomes Vegetais; Numele legumelor; Овощные имена; Вегетабле Намес; Nombres de vegetales; காய்கறி பெயர்கள்; కూరగాయల పేర్లు; ชื่อผัก; Sebze isimleri; Овочеві імена; سبزیوں کے نام; Sabzavotli ismlar

Vegetable / ˈvedʒtəbl / (ˈভেজটবল্‌) n [in everyday usage, a vegetable is any part of a plant that is consumed by humans as food as part of a savory meal or a plant with root, seed, or pod that is used as food, especially in savory dishes] (সবজি): Raw vegetables contain more potassium than cooked ones. Vegetable soup/stew/curry  

Vegetable Related Necessary Vocabulary Notes

Ø Consume / kənˈsuːm / (ন্‌ˈছূম্‌) v {Pt. Pp. consumed / kənˈsuːmd / (ন্‌ˈছূম্‌ড্‌)} [to eat or drink, especially a lot something] (ভোগ করা; আহার বা পান করা): Before he died he had consumed a large quantity of alcohol.

Ø Savoury / ˈseɪvəri / (ˈছেরি) adj {US savory} [having a taste that is salty, not sweet] (নোনতা): What’s in the pastry? Is it sweet or savory?

pod; bean pod
Ø Pod / pɑːd / (পাঃড্‌) n [a long thin case filled with seeds that develop from the flowers of some plants, especially peas and beans] (<মটরশুঁটি, শিম ইত্যাদির লম্বা>বীজাধার; শুঁটি; খোসা):

Ø Dish / dɪʃ / (ডিশ্‌) n [food prepared in a particular way as part of a meal] (খাদ্যের পদ; খাবার টেবিলে পরিবেশনকৃত খাদ্য/খাবার): My favorite dish is rice with chicken.

Ø Raw / rɔː / (রো) adj [(of food) not cooked] (কাঁচা; অপক্ক): raw meat/fish 

Ø Contain / kənˈteɪn / (ন্‌ˈটেন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. contained / kənˈteɪnd / (ন্‌টেন্ড্‌)} [to have something inside or include something as a part] (ধারণ করা; থাকা; রয়েছে): Milk contains vitamins B and D.

Ø Stew / stuː / (স্টূ) n [a type of food consisting usually of meat or fish and vegetables cooked slowly in a small amount of liquid] (<মাছ; মাংস বা সবজির>অল্প ঝোল তরকারি): I am making a stew for lunch.

Ø Curry / ˈkɜːri / (ˈকা্‌রি) n [a dish, originally from South Asia, consisting of meat or vegetables cooked with hot spices often served with rice] (<মাছ বা মাংসের> ঝাল ও মসল্লাদার তরকারি):  

Ø Soup / suːp / (ছূপ্‌) n [a usually hot, liquid food made from vegetables, meat or fish] (সুরুয়া; পাতলা ঝোল): chicken/fish/tomato soup

Vegetable Names List

পটল, pointed gourd, parwal, Calabaza puntiaguda; Spitzkürbis; القرع المدبب; 尖葫芦; Gourde pointue; 尖ったひょうたん; pointed cucurbita; Cabaço pontiagudo; Направленная тыква
Pointed Gourd
Pointed gourd / ˈpɔɪntɪd gʊrd / (ˈপয়ন্‌টিড্‌ গুর্ড) n {Also parwalপটল[It is a vine plant with heart-shaped leaves and is grown on a trellis, its color green with white, size can vary from small and round to thick and long are used as culinary vegetables] (পটল): To prepare Pointed gourd for cooking, wash thoroughly then cut in lengthways and scrape out the seeds with a sharp spoon.

Ø Vine / vaɪn / (ভান্‌) n [any type of plant of the grape family, which climbs or grows along the ground and which has a woody twisting stem] (লতা; বল্লী): A climbing flowering vine plant, with big, brightly colored blooms.

Ø Trellis / ˈtrelɪs / (ˈট্রেলিছ্‌) n [a light frame made of long narrow pieces of wood or bamboo that cross each other, is normally made to support and display climbing plants, shrubs] (জাঙ্গলী; মাচা): Some plants climb and wrap themselves around a trellis without much artificial help.

Ø Culinary / ˈkʌlɪnəri / (ˈকালিনরি) n [connected with cooking and kitchen in the art of the preparation, cooking, and presentation of food, especially in the form of dishes] (রান্নাবান্না সম্পর্কিত): Chefs are required to have knowledge of food science, nutrition, and diet of (kitchen) culinary.

Ø Lengthways / ˈleŋθ weɪz / (ˈলেঙ্‌থ্‌ ওএজ্‌) adv [in the same direction as the longest side of sth] (লম্বালম্বি; সটান): Cut the lemon in half lengthways.

      <SYN> Lengthwise

scrape, ঘষে বা চেঁছে তোলা

Ø Scrape / skreɪp / (স্ক্রে) v [to remove sth from a surface by moving sth sharp and hard like a knife across it] (ঘষে বা চেঁছে তোলা): He scraped the dirt off his boots.

<PHR-V> Scrape out [=to remove sth from inside sth else, using sth sharp knife] (ঘষে ঘষে তুলে ফেলা): Scrape out the flesh/pulp of the melon with a sharp something.

করলা, Bitter gourd, القرع المر; 苦瓜; Gourde amère; Πικρή κολοκύνθη; करेला; Zucca amara; ゴーヤ; Amara cucurbita; Cabaço amargo; Горькая тыква; Calabaza amarga; มะระขี้นก
Bitter Gourd
Bitter gourd / ˈbɪtər gʊrd / (ˈবিটর গুর্ড) n {Also bitter melon[this tendril-bearing vine grows to 6m, used as a vegetable, has a distinct wart exterior and oblong shape. It is hollow in cross-section, with a relatively thin layer of flesh surrounding a central seed, the fruit is most often eaten green] (করলা): the young shoots and leaves of the plant may be eaten greens, and are not particularly bitter. Bitter gourd is a unique vegetable fruit that can be used as food or medicine.

   <SYN> Bitter melon; Bitter squads; Balsam-pear; Balsam apple

Ø Tendril / ˈtendrəl / (ˈটেনড্র) n [a thin, curly stem-like part of a climbing plant, a plant uses tendrils to attach itself to a wall or other support] (লতা-তন্তু; শুঁয়া; আঁকড়া): Tendril can be formed from modified shoots, modified leaves, or auxiliary branches.

Ø Distinct / ˈdɪstɪŋkt / (ˈডিস্টিঙ্ক্ট্) adj [easily or clearly heard, seen, felt, etc.] (সহজে দৃষ্ট; স্বতন্ত্র; পৃথক): There is a distinct smell of cigarettes in here.  

Ø Wart / wɔːrt / (য়ার্ট্‌) n [a small hard lump, that typically grows on human’s hands or skin, feet, but often in other locations.] (আঁচিল; বৃক্ষ গাত্রে অনুরুপ গুটিকা): Warts are caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) disease.

Ø Exterior / ɪkˈstɪriər / (ইক্‌ˈছটিরি) adj [the outside of sth] (বহিঃস্থ; বাহ্যিক): in some of the villages the exterior walls of the houses are painted pink.

Ø Oblong / ˈɑːblɔːŋ / (ˈআবলোং) adj [used to describe any shape that is longer than it is wide] ( আয়তক্ষেত্র; আয়তাকার; গোলাকার): an oblong melon.

Ø Hollow / ˈhɑːloʊ / (ˈহা্‌লৌ) n [having a hole or empty space inside] (ফাঁপা; শূন্যগর্ভ):

Ø Cross-section / krɔːsˈsekʃn / (ˈক্রোছ-ছেকশ্‌ন্‌) n [something that has been cut in half so that you can see the inside] (কোনোকিছু আড়াআড়ি ভাবে কাটা অংশ): the human eye in cross-section.

Ø Flesh / fleʃ / (ফ্লেশ্‌) n [the soft part of fruit and vegetables, especially when it is eaten] (<স্ববজির ভেতরে অংশ>মাংস/গোস্ত): The flesh of the fruit is white.  

bitter; bitter taste, তিতা; তিক্ত
Ø Bitter ˈbɪtər / (ˈবিট) adj [having a sharp, unpleasant taste; not sweet] (তিতা; তিক্ত): Black coffee leaves a bitter taste in the mouth.

Ø Shoot / ʃuːt / (শূট্‌) n [the first part of a plant to appear above the ground as it develops from seed or any new growth on an already existing plant or tree] (অঙ্কুর): new green shoots

কাকরোল, spiny gourd, teasel gourd, 多刺的葫芦; Gourde épineuse; Stacheliger Kürbis; Πικάντικη κολοκύθα; Zucca spinosa; スパイウチのひょうたん; Спинная тыква; Calabaza espinosa; چمکدار چمک
Spiny Gourd 
Spiny gourd / ˈspaɪni gʊrd /(ˈস্পানি গুর্ড) n [spiny gourd is a species flowering plant in the gourd family is used as a vegetable] (কাকরোল):

 <SYN> Teasel gourd

Ø Gourd / gʊrd / (গুর্ড্‌) n [a large fruit which has a hard shell and cannot be eaten or the shell of this fruit used as a container] ( এক ধরণের ফল, যার ছাল দিয়ে পাত্র তৈরি করা হয়):

Ø Spiny / ˈspaɪni / (ˈস্পানি) adj [(of animals or plants) having sharp points like needles] (কাঁটাময়; কন্টকিত): Beware spiny sea animal urchins on the seabed. Spiny leaves

চিচিঙ্গা, দুধকুশি, snake gourd, ثعبان القرع; 蛇瓜; Courge de serpent; Schlangenkürbis; चिचिण्डा; Labu ular; ヘビひょうたん; Cabaça Cobra; Змея тыквы; Calabaza serpiente
Snake Gourd 
Snake gourd / sneɪk  gʊrd / (স্নেক গুর্ড) n [it is a narrow, twisted, elongated fruit, the soft-skinned immature fruit can reach up to 152 cm in length, its soft, bland, somewhat white flesh is also cooked as a vegetable] (চিচিঙ্গা; দুধকুশি): Snake gourd is a super easy, super delicious and super healthy recipe.

Ø Snake / sneɪk / (স্নেক্‌) n [a reptile with a long cylindrical body and no legs] (সাপ): a snake coiled up in the grass.

Ø Narrow / ˈnæroʊ / (ˈন্যারৌ) adj [having a short distance from one side to the other, especially in relation to the length] (সরু; সঙ্কীর্ণ; অপ্রশস্ত; চাপা): The road soon becomes narrower and steeper.
      <SYN> Thin

Ø Twisted / ˈtwɪstɪd / (ˈটুছটিড্‌) adj [bent or turned so that the original shape is changed or lost] (পাকানো বা মোচড়ানো): She gave a long twisted smile.

Ø Elongated / ɪˈlɔːŋgeɪtɪd / (ˈলোংগেইটিড) adj [long and thin, often in a way that is not normal] ( দীর্ঘায়িত; সম্প্রসারিত): Italian’s people have a slightly elongated face.

Ø Immature / ˌɪməˈtʃʊr / (চুর্) adj [not yet completely grown or developed] (কঁচি; জালা; অপরিপক্ক): immature plant 

Ø Bland / blænd / (ব্ল্যান্ড্‌) n [not having a sharp or good taste] (বিষাদ; আকর্ষণহীন): I find a soup a little bland.

ধন্দুল, ধুঁধুঁল, Sponge gourd, 丝瓜; Éponge gourde; Schwamm Kürbis; स्पंज gourd; Zucca spugna; スポンジひょうたん; Cabaça esponja, Губчатая тыква, Calabaza de esponja, ฟองน้ำมะระ
Sponge Gourd
Sponge gourd / spʌndʒ gʊrd / (স্পান্‌জ্‌ গুর্ড) n [it is healthiest green vegetables, Sponge gourd is a fruit, but consumed as a vegetable, the fully developed Sponge gourd is used as a scrubbing sponge in bathrooms and kitchens] (ধন্দুল; ধুঁধুঁল): Cut the Sponge gourd about ½ from both sides then cut all longitudinally.

ঝিংগা, Ribbed gourd vegetable, रिब्ड gourd, Calabaza acanalada
Ribbed Gourd
Ribbed gourd / rɪbd gʊrd / (রিবড্গুর্ড্) n (Also ridge gourd) [it is a dark green, ridge vegetable, with white pulp, white seeds, and spongy flesh, its hard skin is peeled off and chopped and cooked as desired] (ঝিংগা): Please peel and cut ribbed gourd lengthwise on all sides.

Ø Rib / rɪb / (রিব্‌) n [made from a knitted material which has a pattern of raised lines on it]( পাতার শিরা; সৈকতের বালিতে তরঙ্গ অঙ্কিত চিহ্ন): a roof with rib vaulting.

<ADJ> Ribbed / rɪbd / (রিবড্) adj [(especially of material for clothes) having raised lines] (<পাতার মতো>উচু শিরা): a ribbed sweater

Ø Pulp / pʌlp / (পাল্প) n [the soft part inside some fruit and vegetables] (ফলের ভেতরের নরম শাঁস): Scoop out the pulp of the melon and serve it with slight salt and pepper powder.

Ø Skin / skɪn / (স্কিন্‌) n [the outer layer of some fruits and vegetables] (<সবজি বা ফলের>ছিলকা): Remove the skins by soaking the tomatoes in hot water.

<SYN> Peel; Rind

<VERB> Skin / skɪn / (স্কিন্‌) v {Pt. Pp. skinned / skɪnd / (স্কিনড্‌)} [to remove the skin of an animal, a fruit or a vegetable] (ছেলা; চামড়া ছাড়ানো): You will need five ripe tomatoes, skinned and chopped.

<SYN> Peel

চাল কুমড়া, জালি কুমড়া, Ash gourd; الرماد القرع; 冬瓜; Aschekürbis; राख लौकी; アッシュひょうたん; Calabaza de ceniza
Ash Gourd 
Ash gourd / æʃ gʊrd / (এ্যাশ্‌ গুর্ড) n {Also winter melon; white gourd; wax gourd[it is a vine grown for its large fruit, eaten as a vegetable when mature, the immature Ash gourd has thick white flesh, Ash gourd plant has solitary yellow flowers and hairy oval leaves] (চাল কুমড়া; জালি কুমড়া): Ash gourd can help the starch and sugar in the body to change into heat energy instead of fat.

Ø Starch / stɑːrtʃ / (স্টা্‌ঃর্চ) n [a white food substance which exists in potatoes, flour, rice, etc.] (ভাতের মাড়; শ্বেতসার; কার্বোহাইড্রেট): You need to cut down on starches.

Ø Sugar / ˈʃʊgər / (ˈশুগার) n [any of various sweet substances that are found naturally in plants, fruits, etc] (শর্করা): Human’s blood sugar level.

লাউ, Bottle gourd,  زجاجة القرع; 葫芦; Flaschenkürbis; लौकी; Botol labu; ボトルのひょうたん; Labu botol; Бутылка тыквы; Calabaza de botella; ขวดน้ำเต้า
Bottle Gourd
Bottle gourd / ˈbɑːtl gʊrd / (ˈবা্‌টল গুর্ড) n {Also calabash[a bottle gourd vine is a quick-growing weed with a hairy stem, long forked tendrils, and a musky odor, used as a vegetable, the fresh fruit has a light green smooth skin and a white flesh] (লাউ): The juice of bottle gourd is good medicine for thirst due to diarrhea end excessive use of fatty or fried foods.

Ø Musk / mʌsk / (মাছক্‌) n [a substance with a strong smell that is used in making some perfumes. It is produced naturally by a type of male deer] (কস্তুরি; মৃগনাভি):

<ADJ> Musky / ˈmʌski / (মাছকি) adj [] (কস্তুরিগন্ধ): Her skin has a warm musky odor.

Ø Odour / ˈoʊdər / (ˈঔডর্‌) n {US odor} [a smell, often one that is unpleasant] (দুর্গন্ধ; গন্ধ): Nobody told him he had a body odor problem.

কদু; Apple gourd; أبل القرع; 苹果葫芦; Apfelkürbis; ऐप्पल gourd; アップルのひょうたん; Cabaça de maçã; Calabaza de manzana
Apple Gourd
Apple gourd / ˈæpl gʊrd / (ˈএ্যাপ্‌ল্‌ গুর্ড) n [also called “Indian squish”, “round melon” or “tinda” is grown for its immature fruit and eaten as a vegetable especially popular in South Asia. Its seeds also roasted and eaten] (কদু):

মিষ্টি কুমড়া; Pumpkin; يقطين; 南瓜; citrouille; Kürbis; κολοκύθι; कद्दू; labu; zucca; かぼちゃ; waluh; cucurbita; labu; ရှေဖရုံသီး; कद्दू; abóbora; тыква; calabaza
Pumpkin / ˈpʌmpkɪn / (ˈপাম্প্‌কিন) n {Also sweet gourd[it is round, with smooth and slightly ribbed, skin is a deep yellow to orange natural color, its thick skin contains the seeds and pulp, eaten as a kitchen vegetable] (মিষ্টি কুমড়া): Pumpkin has low in fat and very low in Cholesterol and Sodium, it is also a good source of vitamin

সজনা, Drumstick, 鼓槌蔬菜; Drumstick Gemüse; ड्रमस्टिक सब्जी; Sayuran stick drum; ドラムスティック野菜; ड्रमस्टिक सब्जी; Vegetal de baqueta; Palillo vegetal
1. Drumstick
Drumstick / ˈdrʌmstɪk / (ˈড্রাম্‌স্টিক্‌) n 1[drum stick is a fast-grown, drought-resistant tree, and widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical areas where its young seed pods and leaves are cooked as vegetables. Its young shoots have purplish or greenish-white, hairy bark. The tree has an open crown of drooping, fragile branches.] (সজনা): Drumstick increases appetite, clears worms, is helpful in curing skin diseases.

Drumstick chicken
3. Drumstick
2. Drumstick / ˈdrʌmstɪk / (ˈড্রাম্‌স্টিক্‌) n [a stick used for beating a drum] (ঢোলের লাঠি):

Drumstick drum
2. Drumstick
3. Drumstick / ˈdrʌmstɪk / (ˈড্রাম্‌স্টিক্‌) n [the lower part of the leg of a chicken or other bird that is cooked and eaten as food] (<মুরগি বা পাখির>রান বা রানের মাংস): a chicken/turkey drumstick  

Ø Tropical / ˈtrɑːpɪkl / (ট্রাঃপিক্ল্) adj [from or relating to the area between the two tropics] (গ্রীষ্মমণ্ডলীয়): a tropical climate/region

Ø Purplish / ˈpɜːrpəlɪʃ / (ˈপা্‌র্পলিশ্‌) adj [almost purple in color] (রক্তাভ): purplish lips

Ø Fragile / ˈfrædʒl / (ফ্র্যাজল্‌) adj [easily broken, damaged or harmed] (ভঙ্গুর; নাজুক; ঠুনকো): fragile glass/bones  

Ø Appetite / ˈæpɪtaɪt / (ˈএ্যাপিটা) n [a strong desire for something] (ক্ষুধা): The walk gave me a good appetite.

Ø Worm / wɜːrm / (য়ার্ম) n [a long thin creature with a long, soft body without arms, legs or bones that live inside the bodies of humans or animals and cause illness] (কৃর্মি): The child has worms.  

Ø Colic / ˈkɑːlɪk / (ˈকা্‌ঃলিক্‌) n [severe but not continuous pain in the bottom part of the stomach or bowels, especially by babies] (পেট মোচড়; পেটের শূলবেদনা):

Ø Stimulate / ˈstɪmjuleɪt / (ˈস্টিমিউলে) v [to make sth develop or become active; to encourage sth] (উদীপিত করা; জাগিয়ে তোলা; উত্তেজিত করা): The government plans to cut taxes in order to stimulate the economy.

 <NOUN> Stimulation(=উদ্দীপিত)

কাঁচা কলা; Plantain; Green bananas; Cooking banaba; 芭蕉; Plátano
Plantain / ˈplæntɪn / (ˈপ্ল্যানটিন্‌) n {Also green bananas; cooking banana[plantain is longer than a banana and it has thicker skin, it usually resembles Green banana is cooked and eaten as a vegetable] (কাঁচা কলা): Please take 3 big plantains, peel skin and cut into thin round slices, cook on medium fire, stirring frequently to prevent burning on the bottom layer.

শালগম; Turnip; 芜菁; Navet; Steckrübe; カブの野菜; शलजम; репа; Nabo
Turnip / ˈtɜːrnɪp / (ˈটা্‌র্নিপ) n [a rounded white root which is eaten as a kitchen vegetable, it produces above the ground, this above-ground part develops from stem tissue, but is fused with the root] (শালগম): We would use Turnip as a salad.

Ø Stem / stem / (স্টেম্‌) n [the main long thin part of a plant above the ground from which the leaves or flowers grow] (ডাটা/বোঁটা): There are several leaves on each stem. 

সুইডিশ শালগম, রুটাবাগা, Rutabaga, اللفت الأصفر; Steckrübe; rapa svedese; ルタバガ; брюква; nabo sueco; bir tür şalgam
Rutabaga / ˌruːtəˈbeɪgə / (ˌরূটˈবে) n {UK 1. swede} [a large, round, yellow-fleshed root vegetable that originated as a cross between the cabbage and the turnip, the roots are prepared in a variety of ways, and the leave can be eaten as greens] (সুইডিশ শালগম; রুটাবাগা):

2. swede / swiːd / (ছুঈড্) n [a person from Sweden] (সুইডিশ বা সুইডেনের লোক):

Ø Cross / krɔːs / (ক্রোছ্) n {~ (between A and B)} [a mixture of two different things, breeds of animal or plant] (সঙ্কর): cross-bred sheep

Ø Prepare / prɪˈper / (প্রিপের্) v [to make food ready to be eaten] (খাওয়ার জন্য তৈরি করা): He was in the kitchen preparing lunch.  

Celeriac, 块根芹; Céleri-rave; Sellerie; Sedano rapa; Aipo-rábano; Сельдерей; Apio nabo; Kereviz
Celeriac / səˈleriæk / (ˈলেরিএ্যাক্‌) n [a large white root vegetable also called turnip-rooted celery, celery root, or knob celery, is a type of celery cultivated for its edible stem, and shoots. Despite its name, it is not a close relative of the turnip. It is known in England, Europe, Asia, and India. Which is eaten raw or cooked] (সালেরিএ্যাক):  

কচু, Taro vegetable, 芋头; तारो; таро овощ
Taro / ˈtæroʊ / (ˈট্যারৌ) n [a tropical plant which has a root that is cooked and eaten as a vegetable, Taro is a starch-rich, globular fleshy taproot of Arum family plants] (কচু): Taro and leaves should be processed and boiled before eating. To prepare, wash the Taros, trim the ends, peel away its outer tough hairy skin using a paring knife. Place its white interior flesh in cold water to remove sticky sap.

Ø Trim / trɪm / (ট্রিম্‌) v [to cut away unnecessary parts from something] (ছেঁটে ফেলা / ছেঁটে পরিপাটি করা): I trimmed two meters off the hem(কাপরের প্রান্ত বা আঁচল) of the skirt.

Ø Sap / sæp / (ছ্যাপ্‌) n [the liquid that carries food to all parts of a plant] (প্রাণরস; কস ): Maple syrup is made from sap extracted from the sugar maple tree.

Taro Stolon

Taro stolon / ˈtæroʊ stəʊlən / (ˈট্যাঁরৌ স্টৌলন্‌) n [taro stolon is the narrow, long stem of the taro plant which is an important part of Bangladeshi cuisine and diets] (কচুর লতি):

দুধ কচু; Eddoe; 野芋
Eddoe / ˈedoʊ / (ˈএডৌ) n {Also eddo} [a tropical underground vegetable cooked and eaten as a carry, its upperpart young leaves can also be cooked and eaten, but they have a somewhat pungent taste] (দুধ কচু):

Ø Pungent / ˈpʌndʒət / (পান্ন্ট্) adj {SYN acrid} [having a very strong smell or taste, sometimes, one that is unpleasantly strong] (<স্বাদ, গন্ধ> কড়া, তীব্র, তিক্তস্বাদযুক্ত): The air was pungent with the smell of spices. 

giant taro vegetable; giant taro, মান কচু; বাস কচু
Giant Taro 
Giant taro / ˈdʒaɪənt ˈtæroʊ / (ˈজাইআন্‌ট্‌ ˈট্যারৌ) n [it is edible if cooked for a long time, but its sap irritates the skin due to Calcium Oxalate] (মান কচু; বাস কচু): Cut Giant taro into slices in a thickness of about 1m. Put loosely in a steamer, steam till thoroughly cooked. Remove from steamer and pound while it’s still hot.

Ø Irritate / ˈɪrɪteɪt / (ইরিটে) v [to make a skin or a part of body sore or painful] ( <শরীরের আংশবিশেষ> অস্বস্তি/ জ্বালাপোড়া/ দাহসৃষ্টি করা): Some drugs can irritate the lining of the stomach.

 <NOUN> Irritation /ˌɪrɪˈteɪʃn / ( জ্বালাপোড়া; চুলকানি; দাহ) n

Ø Pound / paʊnd / (পান্ড্‌) v [to hit or beat repeatedly with force in order to crush something into smaller pieces] (থেঁতলানো; থেঁতলা করা): The turmeric was pounded to a fine powder.

ঢেঁড়স, Okra; Ladies’ fingers; 秋葵; Gombo; ओकरा; オクラ; окра; Okra
Okra / ˈoʊkrə / (ˈক্‌র) n {Also ladies' fingers[the small green seed from a tropical plant eaten as a vegetable or used to thicken soups and other dishes] (ঢেঁড়স): Okra is considered a delicacy, particularly when breaded with cornflour and deep-fried.

Ø Delicacy / ˈdelɪkəsi / (ˈডেলিকসি) n [a type of food considered to be very special or rare that is good to take] (উপাদেয়/ রসনারোচক/ সুস্বাদু খাদ্য; মুখরোচক খাদ্য): In some parts of the earth, sheep’s eyes are considered a great delicacy.

<SYN> Specialty

ওলকচু; Yam; patate douce; Süßkartoffel; ubi; patata dolce; ヤムイモ; сладкий картофель; batata; بطاطا; रतालू
Yam / jæm / (ইয়্যাম্‌) n [the large root of a tropical plant that is an edible starchy tuberous root vegetable, Yam has a cylindrical shape with blackish or brown, bark-like skin and white, purple or reddish flesh] (ওলকচু):

Ø Edible / ˈedəbl / (ˈএডবল) adj [fit or suitable to be eaten; not poisonous] (ভোজ্য; বিষমুক্ত): the vegetables were old but still looked edible.

Kohlrabi / ˌkoʊlˈrɑːbi / (ˌকৌলˈরা্‌বি) n [a vegetable of the cabbage family whose thick round white stem is eaten] (ওলকপি)

কড়াইশুঁটি, শিম, Bean; فاصوليا; 豆; सेम; 豆; Fagiolo; Бобы
Bean / biːn / (বীন) n [a seed, or pod containing seeds, of a climbing plant, eaten as a vegetable] (কড়াইশুঁটি; শিম): Beans are high in fiber. Beans (= baked beans) on toast (=ভাজা ছিম বিচি)

Ø Fibre / ˈfaɪbər / (ˈফার্‌) n {US fiber} [a substance in foods such as fruit, vegetables, and brown bread, which travels through the body as waste and helps the contents of the bowels to pass through the body easily] (আঁশ): Dried fruits are especially high in fiber.

Snap bean
Snap Bean

Snap bean / ˈsnæp ˌbiːn / (ˈস্ন্যাপ্‌ ˌবীন্‌) n {UK sugar snap pea, sugar snap, sugar pea} [a long, thin, green bean, eaten as a vegetable that is cultivated in the US for their crisp edible unripe pods] (ছোট ছিম বা স্ন্যাপ বীন):

বরবটি, Green bean, long bean, string beans; French beansفاصوليا طويلة; 长豆; haricot long; lange Bohne; μακρύ φασόλι; लंबी सेम; kacang panjang; fagiolini; 長い豆; kacang panjang; длинная фасоль; Frijol largo
String Bean

String bean / strɪŋ biːn / (লোঙ্ বীন) n {Also green bean; Long bean; French bean} [a type of bean which is a long, thin green pod;  cooked and eaten whole as a vegetable] (বরবটি): Purchase green beans at a farmers market, that sells them loose so that can sort through to select the Green beans of good quality, that has a smooth feel and vibrant green color, and that is free from brown spots. They should have a firm texture snap when broken. Fresh bean has the best crunch when raw. A bunch of green beans (=এক আঁটি বরবটি).

String / strɪŋ / (স্ট্রিঙ্‌) n {সূতলি} [material made of several threads twisted together, used for fastening and tying things together]: She wound the string into a ball.

Ø Farmers’ market / ˈfɑːrmərz mɑːrkɪt / (ˈফাঃর্মর্য মাঃর্কিট্) n [a regular event in a town or city when farmers come to sell their fruit, vegetables, eggs, meat, etc. directly to customers] (কাঁচা বাজার): 

Ø Vibrant / ˈvaɪbrənt / (ˈভাইব্রন্‌ট্‌) adj [<of colors> very bright and strong] (অতিউজ্জ্বল; প্রকম্পমান; জ্বলজ্বলে): He always uses vibrant colors in his painting.

<SYN> Brilliant

Ø Firm / fɜːrm / (ফা্‌র্ম্‌) adj [not soft but not completely hard] (দৃঢ়): These peaches are still firm.

Ø Texture / ˈtekstʃər / (ˈঠেক্‌ছচ) n [the quality of something that can be decided by touch it, for example low, rough, smooth, hard or soft it is] (কোনো বস্তুর ভিতরে তার সাংগঠনিক উপাদান সমূহের বিন্যাস; <কোনোকিছুর> গঠন প্রকৃতি): The two kinds of cheese were very different in both taste and texture. 

Ø Snap / snæp / (স্ন্যাপ্‌) v [a sudden sharp sound like something breaking or to be broken in this way] (পট করে ছিঁড়ে যাওয়া বা ছিঁড়ে ফেলা; মট করে ভেঙ্গে ফেলা; ফট করে খোলা বা বন্ধ করা): The wind snapped the tree in two.  

<NOUN> [a sudden sharp sound like something breaking or closing] (দুধ পট করে ছেঁড়া বা মট করে ভাঙার শব্দ; পট শব্দ): She closed her purse with a snap. She heard the snap of a twig behind him.

Ø Crunch / krʌntʃ / (ক্রান্‌চ্‌) v [to crush hard food loudly between the teeth, or to make a sound as if something is being eaten or crushed] (মচ্‌ মচ্‌ শব্দে চিবানো): He was crunching noisily on a Biscuits.

<NOUN> [the sound of hard food being crushed between the teeth] (<শক্ত কিছু চিবাবার>মচ্‌ মচে/ করমরে শব্দ):

Broad bean; فول; 蚕豆; Fève; Saubohne; बाकला; Kacang lebar; Fava; 広大; Бобы; Haba; Bakla
Broad Bean
Broad bean / ˌbrɔːd biːn / (ˌব্রোড্‌ ˈবীন) n {US fava bean} [a type of large, pale green bean, and widely cultivated as a crop for human consumption. Which can be eaten raw or cooked as a vegetable] (ব্রোড বিন):

Bean sprout
Bean Sprout
Bean sprout / ˈbiːn spraʊt / (ˈবীন স্প্রাট্‌) n [a bean seeds that are just beginning to grow and is eaten as a vegetable] (অঙ্কুরিত ছিম বীচি):

Ø Sprout / spraʊt / (স্প্রাট্‌) v {Pt. Pp. sprouted} [(of plants or seeds) to produce new leaves or buds; to start to grow] (অঙ্কুরিত/পল্লবিত হওয়া): It takes about three days for seeds to sprout. 

মূলা, radish, فجل; 萝卜; Un radis; Rettich; Ραπανάκι; मूली; Lobak; Ravanello; だいこん; Rabanete; редис; Rábano
Radish / ˈrædɪʃ / (ˈর‍্যাডিশ) n {Also mooli[a small crisp red or white root vegetable with a strong taste, eaten raw in salads and cooked as a kitchen vegetable] (মূলা):

Ø Crisp / krɪsp / (ক্রিছপ্‌) adj [<of fruit and vegetables> firm and hard enough to be broken easily] (<খাদ্য সংক্রান্ত>মচমচে; চনচনে; মুড়মুড়ে; কুরকুরে): a crisp amla.

 <SYN> Crispy

Ø Strong / strɔːŋ / (স্ট্রোঙ্‌) adj [having a lot of flavors] (<স্বাদ সম্বন্ধে>ঝাঁঝালো; কড়া): I do not like coffee/tea if it’s too strong. 

শশা, Cucumber, 黄瓜; Concombre; Gurke; Αγγούρι; खीरा; Timun; Cetriolo; きゅうり; Timun; خيار; ककड़ी; Pepino; Огурец; Pepino; แตงกวา; کھیرا
Cucumber / ˈkjuːkʌmbər / (ˈকিয়ুকামব) n [the cucumber is a creeping vine that roots in the ground and grows up trellises, wrapping around supports with thin, spiraling tendrils. It has dark green skin and light green flesh, that is usually eaten uncooked in salads] (শশা): Cucumber should be firm, rounded at their edges, and their color should be a bright medium to dark green.

Ø Creep / kriːp / (ক্রীপ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. crept / krept /( ক্রীপ্ট্‌)}  [<of plants> to grow along the ground or up walls using long stems or vine] (<লতাপাতা প্রসঙ্গে> দেয়াল অথবা বেড়ায় লতিয়ে ওঠা): The weed plants are creeping up along the wall.

Ø Wrap / ræp / (র‍্যাপ্‌) v [to cover or surround something with paper, cloth or other material] (কোনোকিছু গুটিয়ে ফেলা; মোড়ানো): Wrap the chicken in plastic and keep it in the deep freeze.

<PHR> Wrapping paper [=colored paper used for wrapping something good] (= ?)

Ø Spiral / ˈspaɪrəl / (ˈস্পা) v [to move in continuous circles, going upwards or downwards] (ঘুরে ঘুরে বা পেঁচিয়ে পেঁচিয়ে উপরের দিকে উঠা): The smoke spiraled up. 

 <NOUN> [a shape made up curves, each one above or wider than the one before] (পেঁচালো, পেঁচানো বা সর্পিল গতি, আকৃতি ইত্যাদি): A spiral of smoke rose from the chimney. The birds circled in a slow spiral above the house.

1. Marrow
Marrow / ˈmæroʊ / (ˈম্যারৌ) n {US squash} [a large, round vegetable that grows on the ground. They are long and thick with dark green skin and white flesh and a lot of seeds at its center] (তরকারী শশা):

Marrow bone
2. Marrow

2. Marrow / ˈmæroʊ / (ˈম্যারৌ) n {Also bone marrow} [a soft substance that fills the hollow parts of bones] (মজ্জা): a bone marrow transplant    

কুমড়া; Zucchini; Zucchini vegetable; كوسة; 夏南瓜; Timun Jepang; ズッキーニ; Цуккини; Calabacín; Kabak; زچینی
Zucchini / zuˈkiːni / (জুˈকীনি) n {UK courgette} [a long thin vegetable with dark green skin and white flesh. It is a type of small marrow] (ছোট শশা বা কুমড়া):

মটরশুঁটি, Pea, بازيلا; 豌豆; Pois; Erbse; मटर; אֲפוּנָה; Pisello; エンドウ; pisum; Ervilha; Guisante; Bezelye
Pea / piː /(পী) n [a small round seed, eaten as a vegetable, several peas grow together inside a long, thin pod on a climbing plant also called a pea] (মটরশুঁটি): Peas are really little powerhouses of nutrition that are a boon for our health. Peas’ high fiber and protein slow down how fast sugars are digested.

Ø Boon / buːn / (বূন্‌) n [something that is very helpful and makes life easier for its quality]( সুবিধা; আশির্বা): The software proved a boon to Internet users.

গাজর; Carrot; جزرة; 胡萝卜; Carotte; Karotte; गाजर; にんじん; Carota; Морковь; Zanahoria; แครอท; Havuç; گاجر
Carrot / ˈkærət / (ˈক্যার) n [the carrot is a root vegetable, usually in color, though purple, red, white and yellow varieties exist, it has a crisp texture when fresh, its shape like a finger and is eaten raw in salads, or cooked as a curry and different kinds of sweetmeats also] (গাজর): Before eating rinse and scrub carrots well. At cooking time, be careful not to overcook as that will damage flavor, texture, and nutritional value.

Ø Purple / ˈpɜːrpl / (ˈপা্‌র্পল্‌) adj [having the color of blue and red mixed together] (লাল এবং নীলের মিশ্রণে সৃষ্ট রং; রক্তবর্ণ): Her face is purple with rage.

Ø Rinse / rɪns / (রিন্‌ছ্‌) v [to wash dirt, etc. from sth by washing it only with clean water, not using soap] (ধুয়ে ফেলা; কোচলিয়ে ধোয়া): He rinsed the mud from his hands.

গাজরী; Parsnip; الجزر الأبيض; 防风草; Panais; Pastinake; パースニップ; גֶזֶר לָבָן; Chirivía
Parsnip / ˈpɑːrsnɪp / (ˈপাঃর্ছনিপ্‌) n [a long cream-colored root vegetable closely related to the carrot and eaten as a vegetable] (গাজরী; মূলী): boiled/roasted parsnip

বেগুন, Eggplant, Eggplant vegetable; aubergine; bringal; الباذنجان; 茄子; Aubergine; बैंगन; Terong; Melanzana; ナス; बैंगन; Berinjela; Баклажан; Berenjena; Patlıcan; بینگن; بادمجان
Eggplant / ˈegplænt / (ˈএগ্‌প্ল্যান্ট্‌) n {UK aubergine; Also. bringal} [it has shiny dark purple skin and soft flesh and is widely cultivated for its large glossy edible fruit commonly used as a vegetable] (বেগুন)

Ø Glossy / ˈglɔːsi / (ˈগ্লোছি) adj [smooth and shiny] (মসৃণ ও উজ্জ্বল): His hair looked soft and glossy.

টমেটো, tomato, طماطم; 番茄; टमाटर; Помидор; Tomate; มะเขือเทศ; Domates; ٹماٹر
Tomato / təˈmeɪtoʊ / (ˈমেটৌ) n [a soft fruit with a lot of juice and shiny red skin that is eaten in diverse ways, including raw, as an ingredient in many dishes, sauces, and drinks. While it is botanically a fruit, it is considered a vegetable for culinary purposes] (টমেটো): Tomatoes should be well shaped and smooth-skinned with no wrinkles, cracks, bruises or soft spots. Tomatoes are also an excellent source of vitamin C and K.

Ø Wrinkle / ˈrɪŋkl / (ˈরিঙ্কল্‌) n [a small line or fold in the skin, especially on a face that caused as you get older] ( চামড়ায় ক্ষুদ্র কুঞ্চিত রেখা বা ভাঁজ; কোনোকিছুর উপরকার বলি বা ভাঁজ): She has a deep wrinkle on her forehead. I tried to iron out the wrinkle in my shirt.

Ø Bruise / bruːz / (ব্রূজ্‌) n [an injury or mark where the skin has not been broken but is darker in color, often as a result of being hit by something] (কালশিরে; শরীর বা ফলের গায়ে আঘাতের দরুণ সৃষ্ট দাগ): he has some cuts and a few bruises but nothing serious.

Cherry/ Grape Tomato

Cherry tomato
/ ˈtʃeri təˈmeɪtoʊ / (চেরি  ˈমেটৌ) n {Also grape tomato} [a type of small round tomato, its range in size from a thumbtip up to the size of a golf ball, although usually red, other colors such as yellow, green, purple, and black also exist] (ছোট টমেটো)

ফুলকপি, cauliflower, قرنبيط; 花椰菜蔬菜; choufleur; Blumenkohl; गोभी; カリフラワー; Couve-flor; Цветная капуста; Coliflor; Karnıbahar
Cauliflower / ˈkɔːliflaʊər / (ˈকোলিফ্লাও) n [a vegetable with green leaves around a large hard white head of flowers] (ফুলকপি): Cauliflower can be roasted, boiled, fried, steamed, or eaten raw.

পাতা কপি, Cabbage, الكرنب; 卷心菜; गोभी; cavolo; キャベツ; капуста; repollo; lahana; گوبھی
Cabbage / ˈkæbɪdʒ / (ˈক্যাবিজ) n [a large round vegetable with large green or white leaves that can be eaten raw or cooked] (পাতা কপি; বাঁধা কপি): Cabbage has full of vitamin K that help with mental function and concentration.


Radicchio / ræˈdiːkioʊ / (র‍্যাˈডীকিঔ) n [grown as a leaf vegetable and usually has colorful white-veined purple or red leaves that form ahead. it has a bitter and spicy taste that mellows if it is grilled or roasted. that is usually eaten raw in salads] (লাল পাতা কপি): Radicchio has a slightly bitter flavor. 

Ø mellow / ˈmeloʊ / (ˈমেলৌ) adj [(of a taste or flavor) smooth and pleasant] (নরম ও সুমিষ্ট): coffee with a full mellow flavor

Brussels sprout; بروكسل تنبت الخضروات; 布鲁塞尔豆芽; chou de Bruxelles; Rosenkohl; ब्रसल स्प्राउट; Cavoletto di Bruxelles; ブリュッセルもやし; брюссельская капуста; Coles de Bruselas; Brüksel lahanası; برسلز چھڑکیں
Brussels Sprout
Brussels sprout / ˌbrʌslz ˈspraʊt / (ˌব্রাছল্‌জ্‌ স্প্রাট্‌) n [a small round green vegetable like a very small cabbage, that is boiled and eaten] (বাঁধা কপি):

ছিম বিচি, Kidney bean, فاصوليا ذات الشكل الكلوي; Haricot rouge; Kidney-Bohne; राजमा; インゲン豆; Feijão Vermelho; Фасоль; Poroto; Barbunya
Kidney Bean
Kidney bean / ˈkɪdni biːn / (ˈকিড্‌নি বীন্‌) n [a type of small dark-red bean, a curved shape like a kidney that is usually dried before it is sold and then left in water before cooking] (ছিম বিচি):

মৌরি সব্‌জি; Fennel; الشمرة; 茴香; Fenchel; Finocchio; ウイキョウ; Hinojo; Rezene

Fennel / ˈfenl / (ˈফেন্‌ল্‌) n [a plant with a thick round base and stem with a strong taste, that is eaten as a vegetable and small pale leaves that are also used in cooking] (মৌরি সব্‌জি):

Ø Pale / peɪl / (পেল্‌) adj [light in color; containing a lot of white] (বিবর্ণ; ফ্যাকাশে): He wore a pale blue hat.

আটিচোক; Artichoke; خرشوف; 朝鲜蓟; Artichaut; Artischocke; हाथी चक; Carciofo; アーティチョーク; Артишок; Alcachofa; Enginar; آرٹچوک
Artichoke / ˈɑːrtɪtʃoʊk / (ˈআঃর্টিচৌক্‌) n {Also. globe artichoke} [a plant that has a round mass of pointed parts like thick green leaves. The bottom part of the leaves and the inside of the artichoke can be eaten as a vegetable] (আটিচোক; হাতিচোক)

How to Make Mashed Potatoes

Potato / pəˈteɪtoʊ / (ঠেটৌ) n [a round white vegetable with a brown or red skin that grows underground as the root of a plant also called a potato] (আলু): Please select the perfect mashed potato recipe for any kind of dinner. Choose recipes for crispy-skinned baked potatoes with different kinds of tasty toppings.

Ø Mash / mæʃ / (ম্যাশ্‌) v {Pt. Pp. mashed / mæʃd / (ম্যাশট্‌)} [to crush food, usually after cooking it, so that it forms a soft mass] (ভর্তা করা): Mash the potatoes and then mix in the butter and herbs.   

মিষ্টি আলু, sweet potato, بطاطا حلوة; 甘薯; Patate douce; Süßkartoffel; शकरकंद; Patata dolce; スイートポテト; Batata doce; Сладкая картошка; Batata; Tatlı patates; شکر قندی
Sweet Potato 
Sweet potato / swiːt pəˈteɪtoʊ / ( ছুঈট্‌ ˈঠেটৌ) n [a root vegetable which looks like a potato and has inside yellow or white flesh and tastes sweet] (মিষ্টি আলু):

শতমুলী, Asparagus, نبات الهليون; 芦笋; Asperges; Spargel; शतावरी; asparagi; アスパラガス; спаржа; Espárragos; kuşkonmaz
Asparagus / əˈspærəgəs / (ˈছপ্যারছ্‌) n [a plant whose young pale green or white juicy stems that are cooked and eaten as a vegetable] (শতমুলী; শতাবতী <উদ্ভিদ, যার কচি অঙ্কুর সবজিরুপে রান্না করে খাওয়া হয়>): asparagus spear

শতকলি, ব্রকলি, Broccoli; بروكلي; Brocoli; Brokkoli; ब्रोक्कोली; ブロッコリー; брокколи; Brócoli; brokoli; بروکولی
Broccoli / ˈbrɑːkəli / (ˈব্রাঃকলি) n [broccoli is an edible thick green plant in the cabbage family whose large dark green or purple flowering head is eaten as a vegetable] (ব্রকলি; ফুলকলি<সবজি>):  

বিট; Beet; بنجر; Betterave; Rüben; चुकंदर; barbabietola; Beterraba; свекла; Remolacha; pancar; بیٹھ
Beet / biːt / (বীট্‌) n [a plant with a thick root that is used as a vegetable, especially for feeding animals or used to make sugar] (বিট):

মাশরুম, ব্যাঙের ছাতা, mushroom; فطر; Champignon; Pilz; कुकुरमुत्ता; Jamur; fungo; きのこ; Cogumelo; грибной; Mushroom vegetable; mantar; مشروم
Mushroom / ˈmʌʃrʊm / (ˈমাশরুম্‌) n [a mushroom (or edible mushroom) is the fleshy fungus with a round flat head and short stem. Many mushrooms can be eaten] (মাশরুম; ব্যাঙের ছাতা; ছত্রাক; ভুঁইফোঁড়): dried/grilled/stuffed/sliced mushrooms   

লিক; Leek; الكراث; Poireau; Lauch; लीक; porro; ニラ; Alho-poró; порей; Puerro; pırasa
Leek / liːk / (লীক্‌) n [a vegetable like a long onion with many layers of wide flat leaves and a cylindrical bulb that are white at the bottom and green at the top which tastes and smells like an onion and eaten cooked. The leek is a national symbol of Wales] (লিক; পলাণুড <পেঁয়াজের মতো একজাতীয় সবজি>):

bulb; vegetable bulb

Ø Bulb / bʌbl / (বাল্ব্‌) n [a round root of some plants, shaped like an onion, that grows into a new plant every year] (কন্দ): tulip bulbs  

তেলাকুচা, Ivy gourd, القرع اللبلاب; Gourde de lierre; Ivy Kürbis; आइवी gourd; Zucca di edera; アイビー瓢箪; Cabaça Ivy; Ivy calabaza
Ivy Gourd 
Ivy gourd / ˈaɪvi gʊrd / (ˈভি গুর্ড) n [the ivy gourd, also known as a baby watermelon, little gourd, gentleman’s toes, tindora, or gherkin, is a tropical vine. Its seeds or fragments of the vine can be relocated and lead to viable offspring. This can occur when humans transport organic debris. Once the ivy gourd is established, it is presumably spread by birds, rats, and other mammals.] (তেলাকুচা):

Ø Fragment / ˈfrægmənt / (ˈফ্র্যাগমনট) n [a small part of Sth that has broken off or comes from Sth large] (টুকরা; ক্ষুদ্রাংশ; অসম্পূর্ণ অংশ): The shattered vase lay in fragments on the floor.

Ø Relocate / ˌriːˈloʊkeɪt / (ˌরীˈলৌকে) v [move to a new place to work or operate] (নতুন স্থান বা এলাকায় প্রতিষ্টিত করা বা হওয়া): My company relocates me to Liverpool. Some were unwilling to relocate.

Ø Viable / ˈvaɪəbl / (ˈভাইবল) adj [able to work as intended or able to succeed] (টিকে থাকতে সমর্থ; টেকসই): There is no viable alternative.

<SYN> Feasible

Ø Offspring / ˈɔːfsprɪŋ  / (ˈওফস্প্রিঙ) n [the young of an animal or plant](জীব জন্তুর বাচ্চা/ শাবক; গাছের চারা): Female dog may give birth to as many as five offspring.

Ø Organic / ɔːrˈgænɪk / (ওরˈগ্যানিক) adj [being or coming from living plants and animals] (জৈব; অংগীয়): A quarter of the contents of an average family’s dustbin is organic matter. Organic horticulture<উদ্যানপালন>.

Ø Debris / dəˈbriː / (ˈবরী) n [pieces of material that are not wanted and rubbish/garbage that is left somewhere](ইতস্তত বিক্ষিপ্ত ভগ্নাংশ; ধবংসাবশেষ): Clear away leaves and other garden debris from the pond.

Ø Disperse / dɪˈspɜːrs / (ডিˈছপা্‌র্ছ) v [to spread or to make Sth spread over a wide area] (ছত্রভঙ্গ হওয়া; সবদিকে ছড়িয়ে দেওয়া বা পড়া): The seeds are dispersed by the wind. The crowd<জনতা> dispersed after the meeting.

  <SYN> Scatter

<NOUN> Dispersal / dɪˈspɜːrsl / (ডিছপা্‌র্ছল্‌) n [the process of sending Sb/Sth in different directions; the process of spreading Sth over a wide area](বিচ্ছুরণ; ছত্রভঙ্গ): the dispersal of seeds

Ø Blanket / ˈblæŋkɪt / (ˈব্ল্যাঙকিট্‌) n [{ ~ of Sth} a thick layer or covering of Sth](1.<কোনোকিছুর> পুরু আস্তার): a blanket of fog/snow/cloud. The street is covered by a thick blanket of snow. 2.(কম্বল)

Ø Tolerate / ˈtɑːləreɪt / (ˈটাঃরে) v [to accept Sb/Sth that is annoying, unpleasant, etc. without complaining](সঙ্গ সহ্য করা; বরদাশ্‌ত করা বা মেনে নেওয়া): I do not know how you tolerate that noise!

    <SYN> Put up with

Vegetable Names with Meaning and Picture

Noted from WikipediaGoogle Image; Oxford & Cambridge Dictionary

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