Add Delete Read Voting Options from New or Existing Messages in Java Apps
We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Email for Java 4.2.0. With this new release our team has introduced a new feature that lets you create an email message with voting options. We are pleased to share that the same feature, creating email message with voting options, has also been implemented in this version of Aspose.Email for Java. Users can now create a new message with a poll, read voting options from an existing message, add voting options to an existing message or delete voting options from an existing message. Aspose.Email for Java already lets you create, save and read an Outlook task. This feature was further enhanced by adding reminder information to the task. We have now further enhanced working with Outlook tasks so that users can now add attachments to Outlook task as well. As always, we have fixed a number of issues reported by our customers for previous version of Aspose.Email for Java.
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