Convert Specific PPTX Slide to PDF & Images Replacement in Presentation
The long awaited version of Aspose.Slides for Java (14.9.0) has been released. Aspose team has introduced support for replacing an image in a presentation image collection with a different one. As a result of this, the image is replaced in all instances in the presentation that refers to it. This release also introduced support for setting the fill format for SmartArt nodes and devlopers can now set the fill color or pattern for SmartArt nodes. Aspose team has introduced support for generating a PDF for a specific number of slides. Support for generating HTML files for individual presentation slides has also been included in this new release. Now, Aspose.Slides for Java makes it possible to get warning callbacks for font substitution in case the used font is not available on the machine during the rendering process. Warning callbacks are helpful when debugging issues of missing or inaccessible fonts during rendering. Aspose team has rectified exception issues that appeared when accessing, saving and rendering presentation to PDF, HTML or slide thumbnails. It has taken a leap towards improving the presentation rendering support for exported PDF, SVG, HTML and slide thumbnails in this release.
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