Record updated Bin Boxes - Liquid Printer | Dekut

Bin Boxes - Liquid Printer
Bin Boxes

Use for storage of items on small standard shelves. Self-locking, you need no glue or tape to set these boxes up. White corrugated cardboard with a clean, attractive, finish. All dimensions are outside.

Liquid Printer Inc. carries a wide variety of boxes. Our wholesale cardboard bin boxes can be found in many types of industries, including retail apparel, electronics, supermarkets and offices, as well as homes.

Choose from our quality corrugated bin boxes. We offer both open top and stackable bin boxes in white corrugated cardboard. These boxes are shipped flat, easy to assemble and ideal for maximizing your warehouse shelf space while organizing your inventory. Our tough 200# test B Flute corrugated bin boxes are great for storing smaller objects and parts.


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