
Mysmart Spine is from Arcadia, CA
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Dr. Harry licenses Doctor of Chiropractic and X-Ray Supervisor
Dr. Harry Wurmsdobler licenses Doctor of Chiropractic and X-Ray Supervisor & operator in Arcadia; Dr Harry provides consulting, exams, x-rays and chiropractic care and Also provide physical therapy such as heat, muscle stimulation and ultrasound. Provide for all phases of patient care and generate a detailed report.
Sacroiliac Joint Right Hip Backward Treatment Arcadia
The Sacroiliac Joint backward misalignment may cause severe pain throughout the hips and legs, which is often worse while walking, standing or running. This may occur as a result of trauma to the hips or pregnancy, which can cause the pelvis to expand and bones to become misaligned.
Dr. Michael D. McGavic | Podiatric Surgeon | Arcadia
Dr. Michael D. McGavic a Member of American Podiatric Medical Association and Podiatric Surgeon in Arcadia; provides Podiatric Surgery and Reconstructive Ankle and Foot Surgery at The SMART Spine Institute & Surgery Center.
Sacroiliac Joint Left Hip Forward - Symptoms Condition with Video
Sacroiliac Joint Left Hip Forward condition can be treated through spinal adjustments performed on the pelvis, stretching of the lower back and hamstring muscles and proper posture exercises. These conservative treatments aim to restore proper alignment to the joint while relieving pain and allowing the patient to function properly once again. 

Manipulation Under Anaesthesia |Chiropractic Care | Arcadia | Orthopaedic Surgeon
SMART Spine Institute - Chiropractic manipulation under anaesthesia (MUA) is a non-invasive procedure that treats acute and chronic pain that has not responded to conventional treatment methods. MUA is also utilized to break up excessive scar tissue by orthopaedic surgeons.
Nerve Obliteration Treatment San Gabriel
Nerve obliteration, also called Renal Denervation; it is one of the newest minimally invasive procedures used to treat hypertension; Nerve obliteration best option for all people who suffer from hypertension. Call at 626.445.0326 for more info or visit our site: Mysmartspine.Com
Scoliosis Treatment San Gabriel
Scoliosis is a common condition that involves an abnormal curvature in the spine, most often occurring in girls between the ages of 10 and 16, although the cause is unknown. Patients with this condition often experience uneven shoulders, prominent shoulder blades and tend to lean to one side.
Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment Arcadia
Bulging Degenerative Disc known as a slipped disc; this condition involves a weakened, flattened disc that tears and presses against the nerves surrounding it, causing pain and numbness. A bulging degenerative disk occurs when the disk becomes worn and the outer regular disk expands beyond its normal radius and presses against the nerve tissue.
Spinal Injection for Back Pain | Epidural Spinal Injection | Arcadia
Epidural Spinal Injection is used to treat swelling, pain, and inflammation associated with neurological conditions that affect nerve roots, such as a herniated disk and radiculopathy. Epidural injections may be painful and produce uncertain results.