Record updated BCC Field Provision in Exchange Message Summary Info & Outlook MSG Conversion to MIME using .NET | Dekut

BCC Field Provision in Exchange Message Summary Info & Outlook MSG Conversion to MIME using .NET
Aspose team is pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for .NET 6.11.0. This release includes enhancements where the API functionality is improved by enriching the existing features of the API. It also improves the overall API functionality by fixing several bugs. Aspose.Email API uses Interpreter classes for conversion of Microsoft Outlook (MSG) files to Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (MIME) messages. This month’s release enhances and simplifies this functionality using the MapiMessage class with its toMailMessage method. This also provides the capability to specify additional saving options using the MailConversionOptions class. This release also modifies the ExchangeMessageInfo summary object by incorporating BCC field as property in it. This helps retrieve the information in case messages are listed from Drafts or Sent Items folder. This month’s release also fixes several bugs reported with our previous version that further adds stability to the API functionality.
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