Record updated Detect Email Message File Type & Writing Message Headers to Html Output using .NET | Dekut

Detect Email Message File Type & Writing Message Headers to Html Output using .NET
Aspose team is pleased to announce the release of Aspose.Email for .NET 6.3.0. This month’s release comes with new features and enhancements that add to the list of features supported by the API. To get a complete list of what is new and fixed, please visit our product download page. You can also have an idea about the API changes in this month’s release by visiting our product documentation section. This month’s release includes a new feature of detecting file format of provided email message file. The FileFormatUtil class provides the capability to detect the file type of provided message file and returns the results as an object of FileFormatInfo. It can be used to detect message type from both message file or from stream. We introduced the feature of exporting message data to html format in one of our earlier releases. This month’s release further enhances this feature by providing the capability of writing message headers to html output. The HtmlSaveOptions class can be used to specify the option of writing message headers to output html. With this month’s release, the API now provides the capability to sign messages with the option to detach signature before sending. Detaching the signature before sending the email enables the web-based email clients to display message contents which was not the case earlier. The overloaded method of AttachSignature provides the boolean flag that can be set to false for detaching a signature from a message prior to sending. This month’s release also fixes a number of bugs that were reported by our valued customers. These further add to the overall performance improvement of the API functionality.
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